Unexpected Christmas
Why would He do it? The God of the Universe coming to His creation in such an unusual way? Helpless. Dependent. Into the most humble surroundings imaginable – a stable.
Can you imagine the smells, the sounds? No running water…giving birth in such a place. I grew up on a farm, so I can! Why would God choose that?
God seldom does things in the manner we expect. He opens a whole new world. In this case, it is both figuratively and literally true. The glorious angel-heralds fired up the sky with their songs and their light. Shepherds, who were basically the outcasts and dregs of society were the first to hear the “Good Tidings of Great Joy”.
Again, why would God execute His Plan like this? Why send the rejoicing multitude of angels to to such humble persons?
Why would He wrap himself in skin like ours? Why would Jesus say “yes” to that? Understanding the outcome…knowing the cross was coming. It boggles the mind.
Could it be…is it really true that His love is so far beyond what we can imagine that God would do the unimaginable, the unexpected, the unbelievable to demonstrate His infinite, encompassing, heartbeat for us? Can you hear it? Have you taken the time to listen today? It is beating as strong as ever!
Now, as always, our Messiah reigns. Christmas is just the beginning. By coming to earth Jesus made Himself known and available to everyone. Even in the end, His arms were outstretched as Jesus gave His life for us. His arms are still open. Rejoice!
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end…” Isaiah 9:6-7a KJV
Merry Christmas!