Timing Perfecto
It has been a strange year. I think most people will be in agreement with that statement. Now, as we approach the holidays, what’s next? It feels like there may be another surprise. Will it be welcome? I simply do not know.
So as all of us have had our ups and down this year, here is something wonderful that happened yesterday. A dear friend, the creator of the artwork for my first book, painted a beautiful scene. There are three words on it:
Trust Me – God
That’s it. And it pretty much sums up what’s truly important, at least for me.
Now it is hanging on the wall where I can easily and frequently see it. I love it!
The box arrived yesterday, after a particularly trying day, which also included a headache. Yuck! In addition, I was wrestling with whether to go visit my brother’s family for Thanksgiving. The reservation has been made for weeks…but again, things feel “uncertain”.
Then, as if from God Himself came this beautiful painting. It was such a breath of fresh air! And at the perfect time. Created by the loving hand of a friend.
Please do not underestimate what a little encouragement or surprise can do for someone. A kind word, a shared laugh – or as those of us at work are fond of – a piece of cake! 🙂
Yesterday God felt closer because this friend created something beautiful and sent it. The headache is almost gone…and the painting lives on.
Two simple words I will choose to live by.
Trust Me..
– RG