Intention Done
It is quiet except for the windchimes gently singing in the backyard. The sky is blue. Leaves on the trees are a myriad of colors – everything from burnished gold to bittersweet orange. It is stunning against the sapphire blue backdrop of the Texas sky. God’s handiwork in plain sight.
And in these moments my heart is lifted to the Sovereign God of the Universe. King David made a statement that is spinning in my mind today. He said, “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise will continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1 KJV
All times.
There is something so pivotal about the determination to focus on God and praise Him for Who He Is, regardless of the circumstances. All times. Every second. Every heartbeat.
I will.
David was telling himself what he planned do. He decided on it. He made a conscious and disciplined effort to set his mind and mouth in motion to praise God. He made it so. Great advice from the “man after God’s own heart.”
To be completely honest, I don’t always have the greatest things come out of my mouth. There are plenty of times I want to reel back the hurtful, sarcastic or unpleasing things I say. Praise is a much better alternative – it’s positive and uplifting. Besides that, it puts us in the presence of God. Who wouldn’t want that?
Take a few minutes to check it out. My guess is that your heart, soul and mind will be happy with your decision and the results.
I will.

One Comment
I will too. Amen.♥️