Moving Toward Thanks
Tomorrow will be November, the beginning of the 11th month of the calendar year. And what a year! Who knew when the champagne was flowing, the ball dropping and people celebrating the birth of 2020 that we would traverse the choppy waters of what has happened in the past months?
Some of us have lost jobs, loved ones or perhaps lived with anxiety. Some of us have been ill and recovered.
As October winds to a close, I am intentionally focusing on a mindset of gratitude. I love the Thanksgiving holiday. It is definitely a favorite. Tomorrow I will start, with renewed enthusiasm, my daily “Thank You, God” trek. It’s a beautiful season…with every day having a unique person or attribute to focus on and thank God for inventing.
It’s my experience that when I’m thankful, there isn’t much room for worry, doubt or fear. Love is a powerful tool to chase away the bogeys.
So, why wait? Maybe let’s start today. I know that this date is significant for pagan religions. I am also convinced that Jesus is still in charge of the Universe – and cares for every single being here, even those who do not recognize Him.
Think of it this way…tonight our clocks will “fall back”. Picture yourself relaxing into the perfectly capable outstretched arms of a God who loves you so much that He will help you in all circumstances. If you begin to fall, He has your back. Picture it. You are safe. You are protected. You have the Creator of the Universe holding out HIs hands to catch you…and He never drops what He catches.
That is something and Someone to be thankful for.
– RG