Mom & the Cord
I’m still trying to get my head and heart around it – and it’s not easy. It’s been three years…not the exact date, but it is the day. It was a Monday morning when I got the call. Mom was gone.
Yes, it’s true, she had a full life. A life of full of purpose and influence. When people tell me she had a full life, I can’t help but wish it was a little “fuller“, meaning longer. Although I know she is, as the cliché goes, in a better place…a perfect place.. And yes, I believe that with all my heart.
Still, there is a cord that connects us. We are so much more than the sum of our DNA. We are spiritual beings at our core, and as a result, it’s a little bewildering not to be able to have interactions with those with whom we are deeply connected. It’s the same with my Dad…my sweet Dad. I still do not fully comprehend that I can’t pick up the phone and talk with either of them.
Today I choose to think of Mom as being the vibrant soul that was and IS her true self. She is not diminished, even if I can’t exactly physically touch her today. The cord still exists, and is fully in tact. I can feel its tug all the time.
Sure, I miss her. Yes, there are tears….and honestly, isn’t that an extraordinary measure of how profound each person is? There are no mistakes. There are no “throw-aways”. As John :Donne so famously wrote, “Any man’s death diminishes me…”
There is nothing more beautiful than the love we share. Let us treasure the cord that binds us together. It is not broken…only transformed.
– RG