Legacy from Dad
This weekend is Father’s Day…the memories are strong.
For those of you who either are a dad or yours is still here, I hope the day is grand. This post is kind of for the rest of us.
My dad was an incredible man. He grew up in the Great Depression and started working twice a day delivering papers when he was either 7 or 8. The money helped the family survive. I believe my uncle did the same.
When I was little, they called me Shadow, because I always followed him around.
I never once heard my dad complain about going to work. Not once. I never heard him say anything bad about the people he worked with or who were his supervisors. He always approached life with a spirit of gratitude. He loved my mom with all his heart.
He was strong, fast and wiry when he was young. He could run like the wind. He was a master at woodworking. He hated to read manuals for electronics and never enjoyed doing anything on a home computer. His first experiences with computers were those that performed complex CAD functions for car design and took up whole floors at GM. I remember seeing mylar tape he brought home when I was in pre-school. Ketchup went on just about everything!
I say all this to paint a picture of a man who was a prince in my life. He had expectations for us kids, and he lived his life in a way to show us how to live right. Never quit. Love with all your might.
In a world that seems to not highly regard the foundations of faith, family and fidelity – my dad still stands strong. I miss him every day. I’m so grateful he was a man of integrity, because his shining example makes it easy for me to believe that God really is good. My heavenly and earthly Fathers have provided so much more than I deserve.
As I give thanks this Father’s Day – I know Papa isn’t really gone. He’s waiting for me and in very good company.
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deut. 6:6-7
– RG