And now…
How can I ever begin to thank the people who are my parents? From them I learned so many things – too many to begin to mention.
As I begin another year, I give thanks. So grateful they taught me strong. What I mean by that is they did not waver in their values. They lived their life by the same words they taught us. Always. Consistently. Their beliefs were built on a sure foundation. Because it was strong, they could be, too.
And God, You chose to send me to them. How can I begin to thank You? I miss them fiercely, although I am glad they are not here to see some of the sorrow and self-inflicted wounds we are going through just now.
Today is the start of another year of life for me. I will rejoice in it and its Author. I will take the blessings I’ve been given and share…whether it’s a laugh, a tear, a prayer or a book.
My prayer today is that You, God, will whisper in Mom and Dad’s heart and let them know their daughter is okay…I wish I could hug them. Someday, because of Your Great Sacrifice, I will be able to.
Until then…my life is Yours.
– RG

This is beautiful, as always, dear Rose. I just love your heart so much.
Thank you, dear friend! Love you back!