Be Still
There is music in my mind…in my soul,
The beat moves, even in the deep of the night.
Lyrics, harmony, rhythm,
Come together in dreams with intense colors.
And in the midst of this sonata there is a Voice.
The chart may be unfinished,
The chorus unsung,
But the One who never sleeps hums along.
For after all, the melody is HIs.
He knows the tune already, and has prepared the counterpoint.
His hands, which bore my sin, shame and pain
Now move effortlessly on the keys,
Eliciting a new and beautiful melody.
It is the composition of life.
It is His – and He has given it to me for His glory.
My life is HIs…
Even in the turmoil, I hear His words.
“Be still…
Be still and know…
Be still and know that I am God.”
Yes, and amen.
– RG