Getting in the Groove
This weekend was one of those truly dreary, rainy, cold and generally miserable weekends in central Texas. However, do you think that put the blight on me? I think not!
I spent the time in a flurry of creative, happy things – including cooking, baking, writing and learning.
Have I told you I love learning? Some friends of mine referred me to Edward Welch, a counselor, professor and gifted teacher. I listened to his lecture, “Side by Side” on YouTube. I’m expecting the book to arrive today! It certainly gave me much to consider.
So – I’m re-engaging with my books! Ta-da! I was able to have a “reunion” with my friends in Judea. Thankfully, they had been patiently waiting for me. 😀 Seriously, I am 3/4 finished with the 5th book. I contacted my publisher today and I am going to move forward with the second book as soon as possible.
I believe this is what I am supposed to do…so I am moving forward. Yes. I’m excited.
Rather than focus on the damp, greyness outside – I’m looking straight into the Son. There is much to be done! I’m ready to go.
“Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?’
I said, “Here I am. Send me.’ Isaiah 6:8 NLT
– RG