Have you ever prayed for something or someone? I mean, really prayed? Sometimes our prayer is answered right away…other times, there may be a big quiet.
Quiet. It can be discouraging. Quiet. It can be off-putting. Quiet can make a person doubt.
So – do you quit? Do you stop praying? Do you give up because the outcome isn’t apparent?
Ross Parsley (my pastor) is quoted as saying, “We don’t believe in an outcome, we believe in a Person…”
Which brings me to the rest of this post. About 25 years ago (more or less) I prayed for someone HARD. Every day. All the time. For some reason this person was on my heart and I really loved that person. The results weren’t pretty. I was devastated because it seemed like they rejected everything I believed in.
Fast forward.
Through the years I’ve continued to pray. Honestly, not with the intensity I did back in the day. There would be times when that person was so strongly etched in my mind, that it was like they were right in front of me.
Then, a couple days ago my phone rang. The person called me and through a detailed narrative told me their story. They are a Believer now! All my hopes, dreams and prayers have been answered! What more could I ask? I can still scarcely believe it!
Today, as I type this, I am so grateful. Grateful that God pursues us. I’m thankful Jesus is faithful beyond our wildest imagination. I never really expected this as an “outcome” – I only believed in the “Person”.
Thank You, God!
– RG