So, a friend of mine has nicknamed me “Patience”. I think he is just a little sarcastic.
Still, it got me thinking. I am definitely wired to push, pursue, create, progress, produce…yeah, all of those things. I think they are good. They are noble. They are necessary. I feel really good when I’m in that zone.
Then there is this Patience thing. It sounds so passive to me. Now I am starting realize, it may not be! Let’s look at it this way. I love plants. Watching things grow is a study of beauty and reveals the miracle of creation. It’s stunning. However, in our world, we don’t have “Jack and the Beanstalk” kind of growth. Organic growth is incremental.
Do you suppose the walk of Faith is like that sometimes?
So, I’ve been here for almost 6 months. Pastor Ross (OneChapel.com) encouraged me to give myself time to put down roots and become part of the environment I’m in. Of course, I hoped that would happen in a week! Now, all of the “sudden”, it’s feeling like that is happening in a multi-dimensional sort of way.
And it is good!
So, if you are chomping at the bit for something that is wonderful – something noble and fine – something you feel called to do – just keep going. Keep your feet moving. Another friend of mine calls them “baby steps”. Maybe that’s the trick after all! Trajectories begin with direction. Choose yours and focus.
– RG