Expectations & Wonder
It’s a beautiful, sunny day in Texas. There are a zillion and one things to be doing, and here I am writing on my blog.
It has come to my attention, that as one gets older dreams continue. I’m so grateful for that. Dreams…visions…hope…longing…
“Where there is no vision the people perish,” Pr 29:18
Now, while on the surface this verse may seem to be a right and tight, pithy slogan for developing a vision statement or having some sort of leadership guidance in place. I’m sure that is one way this may be applied; however, the primary intent is for us to understand God’s will. The Creator. The Giver of Life. The Master of the Universe…
It’s interesting that He wants us to understand His vision. He walked among us so we can understand and experience Him.
How great is that?
Today, as I ask for direction on umpteen things in my life and the lives of others, I am so grateful that God is near. He is as close as our next heartbeat.
Can you feel Him?