I Wonder
What was it like when the Son of Man had not yet been resurrected? I wonder…
There has never been a time in our lives when we had to deal with the circumstances surrounding the pre-resurrection. Of course Jesus had told his disciples time and again what was going to happen. They simply could not get their minds to grasp it.
Before they encountered the Risen Lord, there may have been fear, depression, anxiety and maybe hopelessness. Certainly the powers of darkness thought they had scored a big win. Were the disciples exhausted and despondent? I wonder…
Then, “while it was still dark” Mary and the other women went to the tomb. “While it was still dark.” Very risky. They certainly weren’t following cultural norms by sneaking to a grave site in the dark – not to mention it was guarded by Roman soldiers. Do you suppose their motivation was relentless love? I wonder…
Then, against all known laws of Nature, many encountered the Creator of Everything Seen and Unseen. Jesus. Alive! Arisen! What were they thinking? Did they doubt their senses? Did they remember His words? I wonder…
Now, as we approach the day that celebrates our Hope, our Life, our Redemption, I ask you, are you continually amazed by our Savior? Do you stand in awe of Him and what He has done for us? Do you wish you could see His face today? Do you want to get as close as possible to the One who has given us new hope and new life? Are you overjoyed that He loves you?
I wonder…
– RG